Guangzhou Car-Act Automotive Development Co.,Ltd.
Home ABS Plastic

ABS Plastic

ABS plastic, which stands for Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene, is a thermoplastic material that is utilized very commonly in Aftermarket Industry due to its remarkable properties. With its toughness, impact & abrasion resistance and lightness, ABS plastic is easy to machine, mold, and fabricate for sleek finish bodykits.

Its high strength, rigidity, dimensional stability, and resistance to chemicals, heat, and abrasion make it an ideal material for automotive parts as they are subject to a lot of abuse – both via road hazards and weather – and ABS plastics are best suited to meet these challenges.

Because ABS is a cost-efficient material, we are allowed to provide our partners the best values.

Additionally, ABS plastic is recyclable and eco-friendly, and fairly harmless to humans due to the absence of carcinogens.

ABS Plastic