Guangzhou Car-Act Automotive Development Co.,Ltd.
Home Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy & Data Security


We believe Privacy is a human fundamental and essential right, especially in modern online business era, so we respect and protect your privacy to earn respect and trust.


Should you have any specific questions or concerns about your privacy, please email us at [email protected]


By visiting you agree to accept the practices described in this Privacy Notice.


Information You Give Us

We collect any information which you enter on our website. This information is provided when you search, browse, or when you communicate with any of our departments such as customer service, sales or technical services through our website live chat, telephone, email or WhatsApp.


Automatic Information Collected by Us

Whenever you visit our website, we collect and store information such as "cookies" which remember information about a visitor’s activity on, the pages and / or products you viewed or searched for, we collect and analyze the IP address, used device, browser type and version, operating system and platform, only to scope our target market.


Sharing of Information with Third-parties

Data received from customers including demographics, searching habits, secure information is only used by to improve our marketing strategy. We would never sell or leak the visitor’s information to any third party.



Our website protects the security of personal information you transmit to us by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts the information you input during the transmission to us.


User Agreement reserves its right to make changes to the website and the terms and conditions at any time. The customer's use of this site is indicative of acceptance of the terms and conditions.